With an aim to enable suitable funding and credit management in a planned, strategic way, MARCELO TOSTES ADVOGADOS provides legal advice to financial institutions, investment funds, and local and foreign companies in the areas of banking and financial operations, particularly revision and restoration of contractual balance between contract parties.
We offer our clients financial transaction planning capabilities aimed at future leveraging of assets and recovering bad credit. Moreover, we diagnose a company’s financial situation and provide legal advice and auditing to set up a recovery plan. We work hand in hand with our clients to cope with any financial contingency and help them overcome a crisis situation.
Monitoring of the regulatory environment and issuance of legal opinions on banking regulations.
Review of financial contracts in general, including standard contract templates.
Risk assessment of financial products.
Legal auditing and advice for companies in financial hardship, including legally-backed debt restructuring.
Debt renegotiation and credit recovery services.
Client representation in creditors’ committees and meetings.
Assessoria em operações de crédito nacionais e internacionais e operações financeiras estruturadas;
Advice on local and international credit facilities and structured financial transactions.
Credit securitization, financing lines, loans, and lease.
Legal advice on the issuance of public and private securities in Brazil and abroad.
Administrative defense before the Brazilian Central Bank and the National Financial System’s Resources Council.